Working at Anthem is brilliant for lots of reasons, but what makes it particularly special is the company’s commitment to staff wellbeing. Part of this is a monthly treat day, where everyone in the company is able to enjoy a little bit of time out, relaxation, and rejuvenation. We’ve done a whole range of things – yoga classes, massages, even an afternoon at the beach!
This month, though, we were excited to be joined by the lovely Emily from Movement Foundations. As a company based largely in an office environment, we do a lot of sitting, and it’s easy to forget about having the right posture, or to get so wrapped up in your work that you don’t move for a few hours. As much as we can try to get the right chairs, and have our screens at the right height, we need to make changes to our movement and posture habits as well. Luckily, that’s where Emily stepped in!
She taught us how to keep our bodies moving while in the office, from ensuring you get up and have a little stretch every half hour, to doing foot exercises under the desk. We learnt just how beneficial even small movements can be, for reducing pain or anxiety, or increasing focus and generally thriving at work. It was incredibly helpful and accessible, as well as inspiring. Not only did we learn lots of handy tips and techniques, but it was great even to be able to take a step away from the desk and really focus on our bodies – how they feel, where they hurt, what they need.
Emily’s workshop highlighted just how much the body and mind are intrinsically linked, and being bent over a computer screen for long periods of time does nothing to help harbour a happy and creative brain. And it is fantastic to be in a work environment which supports the achievement of those healthy minds and bodies. So, as you’re sitting there reading this, unhunch your shoulders, straighten your back, flex your toes, take a deep breath, and I bet you’ll quickly notice the difference!
“Informative and thought-provoking – it makes you reassess your daily routines and habits” – Jenny
“Incredibly releasing and relaxing” – Simon
“Genuinely helpful and really informative. I loved it!” – Honey
“Awakening – I immediately felt the benefits and look forward to seeing the long-term results” – Andy
“Simple but effective techniques to help create a calm environment” – Sarah